
Evangeline Zhu

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Kegembiraan terbesar saya dalam hidup adalah menari dengan hati saya.
Lahir di: Tiongkok
Bersama Shen Yun Sejak: 2013

Evangeline Zhu memenangkan tempat pertama di Kompetisi Tarian Tiongkok Klasik Internasional New Tang Dynasty Television 2016 (divisi wanita dewasa), setelah memenangkan tempat pertama di divisi wanita junior kompetisi yang sama pada tahun 2014. Dia belajar menari di Akademi Seni dan Tari Fei Tian dan memperoleh gelar sarjana di bidang ini, lulus summa cum laude, dari Fei Tian College, di mana saat ini sedang mengejar gelar Master of Fine Arts dalam tarian klasik Tiongkok.

Yingshu Jump 1500x1000
An ancient Chinese idiom goes, ‘Almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end(靡不有初,鮮克有終).’ It’s hard to start something, but it’s even harder to persevere till the end. Even if I have to repeat the same things every day, I will always try to do a good job and not be fixated on the outcome. What’s important is one’s state of mind throughout the journey.

Plum Blossom in Spring 

Lantern Grace 

Elegance of the Qing Dynasty

Visiting Chang'e at the Moon Palace

Outlaw of Mt. Liang

What is simple is not always easy. For Evangeline Zhu, the journey of dance has been an exploration: How much control can dancers have over their limbs?
Tonton Video Eksklusif Lengkap

Pergi ke Belakang Layar

Meet Our Rising Stars

Introducing some of our newest principal dancers, including the 2019 season poster girl Michelle Lian.

Artist Spotlight: Evangeline Zhu

Principal Dancer Evangeline Zhu shares insights from her hobbies, career, and personal life in this eighth installment of Artist Spotlight series.

Outperforming in October: Shen Yun Dancers Take Gold at International Competition

Shen Yun performers received 13 awards, including first place in both the adult male and female divisions, at New Tang Dynasty Television's International Classical Chinese Dance Competition in...

More from Evangeline Zhu on our on demand streaming platform, Shen Yun Creations.